In the last years I have experimented with the students dozens
of recipes of diy materials based on organic ingredients.

I hold lectures and workshops on sustainable design, DIY materials, biomaterials and future design issues in Italian and foreign universities as well as in public contexts. I’m currently professor at Naba Design Academy in Milan.


Uomo-Ambiente / NABA Design University, Milan / A.Y. 2018/2019

Sustainable design and design fiction to envision sustainable future scenarios from a design perspective.

Materials and new technologies for the project innovation / NABA Design University, Milan / A.Y. 2015/2016 – 2016/2017 – 2017/2018

Sustainable design and materials. Diy materials lab as a new teaching methodology. Classes taught both in Italian and English with students from various social and cultural backgrounds.

Uomo-Ambiente / NABA Design University, Milan / A.Y. 2013/2014 Sustainable design strategies, life cycle design.


Metadesign Materials’ Experience / Politecnico di Milano, Milan / A.Y. 2018/2019  

Metadesign on the recovery of industrial wastes, with a focus on the analysis of the life cycle of the material and the concepts of industrial symbiosis and circular economy.